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    Company Overview
    Sundx is a professional Internet consulting and Website development company based in Shenzhen, China. We specialize in best-in-class website design, database programming, online marketing and usability analysis.

    Sundx was established in 1999. In our six years of operation, the company's brilliant designing, programming and consulting team has helped literally a hundred organizations of all sizes and all over the world. We have grown steadily to a point about 15 consultant staff and dozens of clients across many industry areas.

    Our goal is "Perfect integration of technology, art and marketing". Therefore, what makes us different is our unique Web building attitude: combination of technology, innovation, experience and reliability to provide ongoing design, development, and support for web strategy. Sundx features an integrated team of web consultants, creative designers, writers, programmers, marketing professionals, hosting and domain name experts that looking forward to helping achieve your online results. 

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